transcend your brand to the 3rd dimension.
interiors, exteriors, architectural.
We are a modern sign and art company with state of the art in house fabrication equipment.  We specialize in mostly all meterials; metal, wood, plastics, resins, epoxys, foam, concrete, etc.  Our superior coatings and finishing capabilities have won many awards and our featured in high end publications.  Our abilities to value engineer any concept to your budget level is what sets us apart.
From award winning interior and exterior signage to event signs.  We incorporate modern materials and the best of the old and new modern fabrication styles.  With decades of experienced fabrication wizadry to
deliver the coolest visual representation of your brand or environment.

The same forward thinking in company structure is used in the technology DECOTRON can provide. Utilizing the latest technologies in illumination, light integration and design menus to ignite imagination, intrigue that creates an inspiring and productive environment for your staff to be immersed in.  

There are practically zero limitations to what we can deliver in finish, size and production speeds.  Call us today to create something to bring you to the next level.
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Transcend your brand to the 3rd dimension. Interiors, exteriors & architectural.  Superior sign solutions
from an award winning 21st century sign company. From modern vinyl to innovative custom signs that
are visual destinations.


DECOTRON is revolutionizing the lighting world with the development of trade secret illumination
processes only available through DECOTRON. We make bright, artistic, eco friendly and eye catching
light up signs.

We create illuminated signs that require fractions of electricity consumption and maintenance compared
to other options available. DECOTRON has developed Googie-Tron™ lighting methods that offer all
the timelessness and style of neon but without the costly servicing and expensive electricity bills. Using
the latest illumination technology developed by DECOTRON, we make eye catching signs that are fresh and
up-to-date minimizing long term cost.

Choosing the right type lighting for your project makes the difference between standing out and blending
in. Variables like longevity, power consumption, aesthetic, maintenance & installation are all taken into
consideration with every concept and bid. Every DECOTRON sign we make stands out not just as a branding
and sales asset but also as a piece of art in light difussion and construction.

Decotron is synonymous with innovation. We can incorporate any Illumination source into your sign: LED,
bulb, neon, and the latest fiber optic technology. There is no bias in supplying the best solutions to your
project. With 30 years of experience and an eco friendly perspective we have exclusive lighting technology
to integrate into signage and structures cutting down on material, energy, depth dimensions and
productions speeds.

As far as style, Shane Kiel, the artist and founder behind DECOTRON is a sign connoisseur and expert of
iconic signage styles ranging from the earliest Art-Deco period 1923 neon sign made in Paris by George
Claude, the charming Googie style signs you see on casinos, old bowling alleys and diners from the 1950's.
Bringing futuristic Tron-like designs with a timeless approach to make the coolest signs around.

DECOTRON creates sign systems that boast the nostalgic “googie” nuances for strict Historic Districts to
the most futuristic signs imaginable.

DECOTRON’s developments in illumination are geared to revolutionize the industry. Our STREAM LETTERS™
will soon be replacing the outdated channel letters (block lettering) commonly seen on buildings. SLIMLITE™
signs are another award winning technology Shane Kiel DECOTRON’s founder created to offer fast production
illuminated signage at competitive price points that are much lower profile than anything on the market today.


Environments set the tone for your business upon first entrance. The atmosphere of your business communicates to the customer, clients and visitors what type of business they're patronizing. Knowledge of aesthetic and vibe is a DECOTRON specialty and is crucial to effectively taking your idea from concept to end product. We are highly fluent in all manufacturing processes, fabrication methods and installation techniques to create the image that you want to project. That is why our client roster is so diverse from small business startups to high end multi-million dollar enterprises.  We are accustomed to working with all budget levels to achieve our clients' objective. Our skills and knowhow is what allows us to quickly and accurately generate cost estimates and mockups beyond your expectations. We can help you generate a business image with just three adjectives.

What sets us apart from the rest is our ability to integrate our superior printing, advanced illumination and
trade secret fabrication methods into conceptualizing your project. Knowledge and application of both
advanced modern materials and the traditional materials used by run-of-the-mill sign companies lend to the
creation of remarkable interior environments. Whether its a small architectural fixture or a full on custom
environment, we give every project the focused attention required to make the process run smoothly and


DECOTRON uses more than the standard technologies when determining how we will construct or illuminate
your lobby sign and environment design.

Lobbies offer great potential that can be used to communicate expectations, behaviors, and impressions
about your brand and business. The lobby sets the tone for occupants’ experience, so it’s absolutely critical
to put the same amount of design effort into your lobby as you would an exterior design. Whether you instill
a sense of bibliophilia with reclaimed wood or provide inviting comfort with a relaxing lounge, you can easily
create an impactful, work-friendly lobby that your visitors won’t soon forget.

Just like conference rooms and offices, lobbies play an important role in contributing to an effective work
environment through design, and they also reflect your brand. The subtle influence of lobby design affects
work performance and indicates the level of professionality at your office. Good signage and a designed
atmosphere can contribute to not only productivity but also branding.

Traditionally, lobbies only served as an entryway or waiting space. It wasn’t uncommon to see only a reception
desk and sparse furniture providing a place for visitors to relax while waiting for an appointment or meeting.
This type of lobby can still be found in some commercial buildings, but the old idea of the unremarkable lobby
is being phased out in favor of a new perspective: the lobby as a common area and statement.

DECOTRON reimagines the lobby's involvement in the workplace and how a good design and concept can
influence work performance all while tying your branding and demographic to the concepts we create together.

In a society where people are always connected (both to each other and the world) with technology, it makes
complete sense to create similarly connected spaces with abundant access to technology. The workplace can
be more than a place to ‘get work done,’ but a place that allows us to recharge, reflect, and renew. We are
excited to transcend that concept into your environment design and signage manufacturing.


Signage doesn't need to be structural to be effective and significant. In fact, most businesses order vinyl in
conjunction with other outdoor signage. What sets DECOTRON vinyl apart is the thoughtful and intentional
design behind it. Our graphic artist, designer and founder Shane Kiel has vinyl design experience with
companies from Nike and Louis Vuitton to the local barber and bodega. What's consistent amongst all of the
jobs is Shane's artistic eye for vintage meets modern style.

From basic hours of operation to fancy wall displays, we know the best vinyl for your custom application.
Whether you want classic white window vinyl to display your store hours or something artistic like drop
shadowed gold foil or custom vinyl veneers there’s nothing we haven’t done. We look forward to fulfilling all
of your vinyl needs with our skilled design and installation capabilities.

Beyond signage, we also offer competitive branding for your vehicles, personal or commercial. We've hand
wrapped Teslas in tricked out matte black and work vans with giant mobile advertising graphics.

Vinyl can be used for wrapping structures, changing colors of painted materials cheaply and efficiently,
and doing temporary projects. DECOTRON uses vinyl imaginatively to create the image you're interested
in conveying.


Image is what sells your brand and tantalizes potential customers. The first point of contact for many
businesses is their exterior signage. Signs instantly evoke an impression of your brand and company. They
have the power to provoke curiosity and interest in doing business with your company. Consider the
difference between approaching a business with a dull, blinking, or just plain burnt out sign. Do they seem
like they inspire confidence to a paying customer? Now think of the feelings that high quality signs inspire.
At DECOTRON we are on your side in thinking of how an exterior sign will be an asset to your business. Having
the proper visual representation to maximize things like; sight distance, longevity, contrasting, illumination,
finishing and aesthetic is key to the successful implementation of any business image.

Your objective is a flourishing and respectable business with which people will want to interact and transact.
DECOTRON considers every aspect of an exterior sign and business environment: from the materials used to
create the style goals to the future cost of maintaining and keeping the lights on for years or even decades to
come. A good exterior sign can support your business well beyond your expectations. Consider the classic
neon signs that have lit Paris for nearly a century and the 1950's Diner and Bowling Alley signs that have
outlasted the businesses themselves and become artistic monuments defining a bygone time. With DECOTRON
your exterior signage has the potential to become a local landmark.

DECOTRON knows how design and manufacturing could and should be done -- with a somewhat compulsive
approach to being ecologically friendly and as sustainable as possible. Minimizing material consumption and a
vast knowledge in substrate marriages (metal to wood, or plastic to metal) is how DECOTRON can efficiently
transcend your 2D imagery into eye catching branded displays.

DECOTRON will confidently walk even the most apprehensive first time sign buyer to the right solution for their
project manifesting their business goals. Shane Kiel's passion for design, lighting, and signage is so contagious
it will make anyone into a fellow sign aficionado. His signage represents companies all over the nation and they
are destination sign art pieces. Handing your project over to an award winning manufacturing artist will be one
of the best decisions your business will make.


Monument signs are signs displayed at gateways to parking lots, homes, buildings, and institutions. DECOTRON
makes all variety of Monument signs. All DECOTRON Monument signs provide a welcoming affirmation that a
visitor is in the right location. These signs are typically supported by a structural base other than support poles,
such as brick or stone. Monument signs are often used by apartment complexes, schools, churches, industrial
parks, and shopping centers. They can be lit up and flashy or simple structures.

Monument signs hold the power to create a lasting memory affiliated with your location. That memory can be
rooted in classic style architecture to retro, modern, minimalist or even futuristic. Its in the initial design and
finishing process that set the many monument signs apart.

There is an art to creating monument signs. DECOTRON Monument Signs tells your patrons, guests and visitors
in a subliminal way that they're in a lasting architectural atmosphere. Whether it's an apartment building, a mall,
or a strip mall, Monument signs are often an overlooked marketing strategy. DECOTRON can make and customize
any vision or idea to make it a reality Projects range from simple modern materials to heavily value engineered

DECOTRON wields unique illumination abilities that set us apart from other companies. Aside from the time
tested illumination sources we are capable of incorporating Neon, Bulbs, LED, Electroluminescence we have a
new super top secret illumination, Googie-Tron™.

When DECOTRON designs a Monument sign lighting is always a consideration. Options include Classic and
Economy Neon, Incandescent Bulbs, LED, LED Neon, Googie-Tron™, Electroluminescence, solar arrays.


DECOTRON designs and creates temporary signage for all kinds of events nationwide. Wheather its for
a celebrity event at Sundance, a competitive tradeshow or a monumental birthday celebration, we deliver
award winning results with lightning fast turnarounds. We have an abode of creative insight to quickly meeting
your unique visual objective so we can be on budget and deliver a memorable visual moment and experience to
your special event.

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What sets DECOTRON apart:

decotron dallas texas custom lighting and sign company logo
Decotron is not your ordinary art, sign, and lighting fabrication company. It is a visionary enterprise that marries the art of design with the science of innovation. With a design approach that is as unique as it is forward-thinking, the company brings together artistry, functionality, and sustainability to create products that are nothing short of extraordinary.